Hitotsubashi University’s team consisting of three second-year students, Akifumi FUJITA (2015 Global Leaders Class), Saisawat SAMUTPRADIT (2015 Global Leaders Class), and Yukari Jessica THAM (2015/16 Shibusawa Scholar), has been selected for the final round of the presentation competition at the Go Global Japan Regional Forum, which will be held as follows:
Time and Date: 13:00 – 17:00, November 21, 2015
Venue: Auditorium, Building 3, Asia University
Hosts: 18 universities comprising the second Eastern Japan regional block of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)’s Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development
Co-host: Nikkei Inc.
Admission: Free
Part I
Keynote speech: Mr. Tomiyasu NAKAMURA (Executive Vice President, Japan External Trade Organization; JETRO)
Part II
Presentations by eight teams, 10 minutes per team
Everyone is welcome to attend but pre-registration is required.
Please click here and submit an online registration form* in advance.
*Instructions are in Japanese only.